Dealing with wear/slipping of the blind controller gear


If you’re finding the plastic gear on the blind controller is wearing and the motor spindle slipping as I have (my blinds are over 5kg). I have designed a new gear that uses a metal coupler held in place by a series of short M3 screws. I find the 6mm option works perfect and they are available here:

Note you will also need to print the revised gear surround to accommodate the slightly larger gear. 3D files are available from thingiverse.

Blind Controller PCBs – Almost Sold Out!!

I am now down to my last remaining custom PCB board for version 2 of the Blind Controller. Thank-you all for supporting my work, I hope to continue to build upon it’s success adding new features in the future, watch this space!

For anyone that may miss out, I will have more available soon, but for now get yourself the last one!

Available at etsy and eBay

Blind Controller v2.02

Released today v2.02 of the Blind Controller sketch which includes the following additional features:
  • Safety cut-off (Cuts out control if motion is prevented)
  • Enhanced app LED (better replicates physical LED)
  • Tabs introduced in-app to separate calibration from control
  • Ability to customise LED brightness


In Use:


Download it here!

The Blynk app should update itself if configured via the following QR code.

Check out Blind Controller app I've made_

Blind Controller v2 PCB Boards now available for purchase!

Custom circuit boards for version 2 of the automatic blind controller are now available. This saves the wiring hassle and greatly condenses the size of the completed electronics, neatly fitting into the 3D printable housing available via thingiverse. Version 2 uses a D1 mini micro-controller to allow full WiFi capability, control via a mobile phone app, automatic opening/closing and precise calibration of start/end stops.

Get yours now from my etsy store or alternatively via eBay.

A limited number of version 1 boards remain and are available through eBay if you are part way through that build but hurry as this is the last batch!

Blind Controller V2 Announced!


Exciting news, I will soon be releasing a new version of the Amazon Alexa compatible blind controller, similar in design but with all new hardware. Powered by a Wemos D1 Mini micro-controller, it is now WiFi enabled and can be operated from within a mobile app from anywhere in the world.  Upgraded motors allow for precise, repeatable positioning and easy calibration either from within the mobile app or using the full manual controls. The mobile app also allows scheduled opening and closing at pre-configured times.

Check out the teaser trailer below and be sure to check back soon and subscribe to my YouTube channel for future updates…